Extiverse badge

  • Price: 5 USD/month or 50 USD/year
  • Bundled translations: English and French
  • Flarum compatibility: 1.3+
  • See and purchase on Extiverse
  • See on Flarum Discuss

Table of content:


Formulaire is a premium extension bringing an advanced form builder to Flarum.

The video below shows some of the main features. New features have since been added.

Multiple form types are included:


Similar to Google Forms.

These forms are not linked to other flarum resources and you can control who is allowed to create or fill them. The author of submissions is recorded for logged in users. You can customize max submissions and configure email notifications.

Example use cases: contact form, survey, event registration, …

Planned features: submission limit per user, anonymous submissions, editable submissions for guests.

User profile

Each user profile form becomes a new page under a user profile.

You can customize who can read and edit forms separately, including setting a different value for own users vs other users.

Each form can be configured so it only appears on profiles of a particular user group.

Profile forms can also be added to the Flarum Sign Up page and can be made required for registration.

This enables a wide range of public and private profile use cases.

Example use cases: private contact info, payment details, curriculum vitae, …

Planned features: user card fields.

Similar to the FriendsOfFlarum Masquerade open-source extension.

Discussion fields

The fields are added to the discussion composer and shown above the first post.

The fields can be made editable by the discussion author or only moderators. When the discussion author is allowed to edit them, the permission will follow the same logic as post editing, so deleting or locking a discussion will prevent editing the fields.

You can make fields global or scoped to a single tag. Multiple forms can be created with different tag scoping and permissions.

The Flarum discussion composer is not well suited to contain many fields, so this feature is best used together with my free Composer Page extension which is fully supported when used together with Formulaire.

You can also bypass the discussion composer and use a dedicated form page identical to the standalone form page. In this case you tell Formulaire where you want the discussion to be created and how to generate the title and content. Discussions created this way may be pushed to a tag that users cannot see at all.

Example use cases: support threads, buy/sell posts, moderator notes, file attachments, …

Similar to the FriendsOfFlarum Mason open-source extension.


Version 1.9.1 - November 5, 2024

  • Fixed profile forms sometimes not appearing in the side navigation.

Version 1.9.0 - August 10, 2023

  • Added ability to disable all fields on Byobu discussions so vanilla private discussions can be used alongside global Formulaire fields.

These changes only have an effect if the Byobu extension is installed and the new setting is enabled in the admin panel. If you are only using tag-scoped discussion fields, enabling the new setting makes no difference.

Version 1.8.2 - April 6, 2023

  • Fixed compatibility with Flarum 1.7+.

This version will only install on Flarum 1.7+. All future updates will require Flarum 1.7+.

Version 1.8.1 - November 12, 2022

  • Changed: links in content blocks now open in new tabs and no longer have ugc nofollow rel value.
  • Fixed: emails failing to send when the form contains checkbox, radio or select fields.
  • Fixed: rich text answers not rendered as HTML in emails.
  • Fixed: 500 errors not causing any visible feedback on the form submit and edit pages.

Version 1.8.0 - October 29, 2022

  • Added: (manager only) ability to search forms by title.
  • Added: (manager only) ability to search forms by title, slug and field names (Scout integration required).
  • Added: (manager only) ability to search submissions by field answers (Scout integration required).
  • Added: ability to search discussions by field answers (Scout integration required).
  • Added: ability to search users by field answers (Scout integration required).
  • Added: new PHP events for developers.
  • Fixed: updated French translation to consistently use “réponse” as the translation to “submission”.

See the documentation for how to configure Scout.

Breaking change for developers: the signature to FormRepository::store() and FormRepository::update() changed to take $data instead of $attributes. I am not aware of any client using the repository classes directly but I’m mentioning this just in case.

Version 1.7.1 - September 13, 2022

  • Changed: Formulaire fields now have the same layout in SignUp Modal as everywhere else instead of inheriting the larger SignUp fields input style (larger style would only apply to short text inputs and buttons which was inconsistent).
  • Fixed: missing margins in SignUp modal.
  • Fixed: discussion fields edit modal layout issue on Flarum 1.5.

The extension was confirmed working on Flarum 1.5.

Version 1.7.0 - September 8, 2022

  • Added: discussion fields in start discussion composer.
  • Added: optional horizontal form layout for discussion, profile and standalone.
  • Added: contextual validation errors in sign up modal.
  • Changed: the REST API validation error pointers for linked models are now prefixed with formulaireForms/<form uid>/ to ensure the messages can be shown under the correct fields in case customized field keys are re-used across forms or conflict with native discussion or user attributes.
Show older releases

Version 1.6.2 - August 3, 2022

  • Fixed: all tags including children are now shown in tag selection dropdown.
  • Fixed: rename controls around enable and draft status for non-standalone to clear up confusion.
  • Fixed: make empty submission text translatable on discussion.

Version 1.6.1 - August 3, 2022

  • Fixed: lock discussion forms on Flarum 1.3+. The changes in Flarum 1.3 had made possible to continue editing the form answers on a locked or soft deleted discussion.
  • Fixed: unreadable colors in some parts of the form manager.
  • Performance: compiled javascript with Webpack 5 to reduce size.

This version is only compatible with (and necessary for) Flarum 1.3 and later.

Version 1.6.0 - August 5, 2021

  • Added: Checkboxes, Radio and Dropdown field types.
  • Added: Ability to include user email and activation status in exports. Protected by a new permission.
  • Added: data- attributes to the body element with Form and Submission IDs that can be used in custom CSS.
  • Changed: Use private title instead of public title as the default export filename.
  • Changed: On mobile the form title has been moved to the app header which was previously blank.
  • Changed: Short field type now has a maximum length of 255 (previously unrestricted) and Long now has a default maximum length of 25000 which can be customized to be longer.
  • Fixed: Inability to re-order multi-entries in form editor.
  • Fixed: Possible data loss if a form was edited and submitted multiple times without closing the editor. Newly added fields were having their unique keys re-generated on each new save which would break submissions made in the meantime.

Version 1.5.0 - June 9, 2021

  • Changed: Compatible with Flarum 1.0+.

This version can be installed on Flarum 1.0.0 and all future 1.x versions. It will be automatically installed when you upgrade to Flarum 1.0 by following the official release guide.

Version 1.4.0 - March 23, 2021

  • Changed: Compatible with Flarum beta 16.
  • Fixed: Guests not able to submit standalone forms.

This version is only compatible with Flarum beta 16.

The new version will automatically be installed when you migrate to Flarum beta 16 with Flarum’s official instructions.

Version 1.3.0 - January 18, 2021

  • Changed: Compatible with Flarum beta 15.
  • Changed: custom drag and drop implementation replacing html5sortable. This shouldn’t change anything for the end user. Unfortunately drag and drop on mobile still isn’t available at this time.
  • Fixed: files not visible in email summary.
  • Fixed: moderators not able to restore soft-deleted submissions.
  • Fixed: missing padding on mobile when filling standalone form.
  • (developer) Removed: beta 13 workarounds and backports have been removed. The native Flarum classes for Dropdown, LoadingIndicator and VisibilityScope are now used.
  • (developer) Fixed: missing javascript exports for components introduced in previous releases.

This version is only compatible with Flarum beta 15. Compatibility with Flarum beta 14 was skipped.

The new version will automatically be installed when you migrate to Flarum beta 15 with Flarum’s official instructions.

Version 1.2.0 - January 9, 2021

  • Changed: Redesigned form manager UI.
  • Changed: Profiles of suspended users can no longer be edited by non-moderators.
  • Changed: Discussion fields of locked and hidden discussions can no longer be edited by non-moderators.
  • Changed: Removed ability for guests to submit “automatic discussion” forms because Flarum couldn’t accept guest discussions.
  • Added: Export tool. Controlled by a new permission.
  • Added: User profile forms can now be added to the sign up modal.
  • Added: New detailed (see own, see any, edit own, edit any) global and form-specific permissions for user profiles and discussion fields.
  • Added: You can now set a private form title different from the public title.
  • Fixed: required fields not always required in new submissions.
  • Fixed: missing pagination controls on the submission list.

If you are currently using user profiles or discussion fields, you will need to adjust the 6 new permissions to match your existing permissions!

This version is only compatible with Flarum beta 13.

Version 1.1.0 - October 21, 2020

  • Changed: it is now possible to enable notifications on non-standalone forms.
  • Changed: “accept submissions” and “allow edit” form settings now also available to non-standalone forms.
  • Changed: Viewing profile and discussion forms is now controlled by additional permissions instead of the global “view submission list” permission.
  • Added: new feature to create discussions automatically from a submission for Discussion fields.
  • Added: customizable title and body in notification emails.
  • Fixed: file uploads being invisible in readonly submissions.
  • Fixed: issue when Formulaire was enabled while Tags was disabled.

This version is only compatible with Flarum beta 13.

The new features were sponsored by Konica Minolta. Thanks!

Version 1.0.2 - May 6, 2020

  • Fix issues with drag and drop in form editor and multi-field
  • Use new beta 13 features, add beta 13 compatibility

Version 1.0.1 - March 20, 2020

  • Add missing code in policy that had been removed by mistake in 1.0.0

Version 1.0 - March 10, 2020

Initial release.


A demo/test website is available at https://formulaire-demo.http418.ch/. An example form can be accessed at https://formulaire-demo.http418.ch/forms/example-form

The website will be reset manually from time to time.

Please get in touch if you would like admin access.


  • Flarum version must be 1.0.0 or greater
  • MySQL 5.7.8+ or MariaDB 10.2.7+ (for JSON data type support)
  • You must have SSH and Composer access on the Flarum hosting

Only the current Flarum version is supported. New features and fixes in the extension will only work with the latest Flarum version.


Most other Flarum extensions should be compatible.

As time goes on this section will be filled with any extension that could be incompatible.

By default, private discussions created by the FriendsOfFlarum Byobu extension are treated just like any other discussion, meaning global discussion fields (not tag-scoped) will be available and enforced on those discussions as well. A setting is available in the admin panel to prevent Byobu discussions from inheriting the fields. There is currently no way to have fields exclusively for private discussions, but this feature could be implemented if there is interest.


  • Purchase the “KILOWHAT Formulaire” extension via the Extiverse website
  • If this is your first premium extension purchase from Extiverse, follow the “Composer configuration” instructions available at https://extiverse.com/premium/subscriptions
  • Install the extension via Composer: composer require kilowhat/flarum-ext-formulaire
  • Open the Flarum admin panel and enable the extension
  • See below for the settings

If you are planning to use discussion fields, I recommend installing the optional free extension Composer Page: composer require clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-composer-page


When an update is available, the Changelog will be updated above and a message will be posted on the Flarum Discuss discussion.

You can use the following commands to update:

composer require kilowhat/flarum-ext-formulaire
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear


If you are having issues with the extension, check the following:

  • If the extension doesn’t install, check you have correctly configured Extiverse’s private repository.
  • If an error happens during activation or usage of the extension, check the logs in <flarum>/storage/logs.

If you are still having issues, please copy the output of the logs above, as well as the output of php flarum info and send an email to [email protected].

Support is provided on a “best effort” basis. Most replies should usually be within 24h.

I only provide help solving specific issues with the extension. I won’t install the extension for you.


Once a form has started to receive submissions, you must use caution with the template editing.

Adding new fields is generally safe.

Changing a field type, changing a field key or deleting a field will cause a loss of data. The data for those fields will not be immediately removed from the database, but any edit to a submission will remove the existing data about fields that no longer exist.

Changing a field type could break the ability to edit submissions. To be safe, always delete a field you no longer use and create a new one. Or manually change the field key.

Deleting an upload field will not delete the associated files on disk. Delete the submission or form to delete the associated files.

If you delete an option inside a checkbox or radio field and that field has “Allow other values” enabled, the key of the deleted field might appear as the “other” value in submissions. If such a submission already had an “other” value, it might be impossible to edit that field in the submission again.

Extension settings

Admin panel settings

Max file size: the maximum file size for the upload field type. Please note that if a user tries to upload a file bigger than your PHP file limit, the web server will throw an error before Flarum can even start. A Flarum validation error only shows up for files that are between the specified size and the PHP file limit.

Show undo/redo controls on submission page: toggle to enable the undo/redo buttons in submissions.

Show side navigation on submission page: toggle to show the left navigation from the homepage on submission pages in standalone mode. By default the form is shown centered on the page without any side navigation.

Checkbox style: controls the look of the checkboxes rendered inside the Checkboxes field type. The “FontAwesome” options are custom designs implemented by Formulaire using the icons from Font Awesome. The Switch option re-uses the switch that comes with Flarum (the same one that controls this setting). The native option uses the browser input with type="checkbox".

Radio style: controls the look of the radio buttons rendered inside the Radio field type. The “FontAwesome” options are custom designs implemented by Formulaire using the icons from Font Awesome. The native option uses the browser input with type="radio".

Use horizontal form layout: the default layout always places the label above the field. In horizontal layout, the label and the field will be placed on a single line, and all fields will be aligned like a grid. On small screens, the label will revert to its original position, so this setting makes no difference on mobile. You should keep this setting to horizontal for the discussion composer, as the regular layout might not fit at all in the Flarum discussion composer.

Uniform discussion composer layout: when this layout is used, Formulaire re-arranges the fields from other extensions in the discussion composer to match with its own styling. The following extensions are supported:

  • Discussion title gets a label added
  • Content gets a label added, but will not switch to horizontal
  • Tags get a label added, and the tag selector is made to look like a text field
  • FriendsOfFlarum Polls gets a label added
  • Flamarkt Taxonomies get their name added as label (requires Taxonomies 0.1.5) and the term selector is made to look like a text field
  • Other unrecognized inputs are split to their own line each, but get no label

When the unified layout is active, some Flarum fields like the title will also use the contextual validation error styling from Formulaire.

This feature is best used together with the free extension Composer Page which will create the vertical space required for this feature to work with more than 1-2 fields. This extension is also almost a requirement on mobile because the built-in Flarum composer behaves too badly on small screens.


Fill standalone forms: which users can fill standalone forms. It is planned to make it customizable per-form, but the permission is currently global.

View own profile fields, View any profile fields: which users can see a particular profile. The “own” permission is evaluated if the profile belongs to the current visitor. Otherwise the “any” permission is evaluated. “View own” must be set to “Everyone / non-enabled users” to become available for the sign up form. View any available since version 1.1.0, view own available since version 1.2.0.

Edit own profile fields, Edit any profile fields: which users can edit a particular profile. The “own” permission is evaluated if the profile belongs to the current visitor. Otherwise the “any” permission is evaluated. Available since version 1.2.0.

See own discussion fields, See any discussion fields: which users can see the fields on a particular discussion. The “own” permission is evaluated if the discussion belongs to the current visitor. Otherwise the “any” permission is evaluated. “View own” must be set to “Everyone / non-enabled users” to become available for the sign up form. View any available since version 1.1.0, view own available since version 1.2.0.

Edit own discussion fields, Edit any discussion fields: which users can edit the fields on a particular discussion. The “own” permission is evaluated if the discussion belongs to the current visitor. Otherwise the “any” permission is evaluated. Available since version 1.2.0.

Create forms (beta): which users can create new forms. The owner of a form can manage the form options and submissions. At the moment the owner cannot see the list of submissions. Long term, it’s planned to make the form dashboard fully usable by individual users so they can manage their own forms.

Moderate all forms: which users can see/edit all forms and submissions. This permission has priority over all other access settings, including “See/edit any profile/discussion fields”.

Export submission data: enables the use of the “Export” button on the submission list page.

Access user private data in exports: allows including user email and user activation status as meta columns inside exports. These fields are protected by this additional permission since they aren’t usually visible to non-admins. This permission isn’t needed to access emails that are entered as fields in a form, it’s only for the meta columns during export. Available since version 1.6.0.

View the list of forms that aren’t deleted (for third-party extensions): allows listing all forms, even if they no longer accept submissions. This permission was added for third-party extensions that might want to list forms to visitors. The extension doesn’t include such a list by itself.

View the list of submissions (for third-party extensions): allows users to list their own submissions. This permission was added for third-party extensions that might want to list submissions to visitors. The extension doesn’t include such a list by itself.

Form options

In top-right control dropdown

Template import/export: opens a new tab which allows copy-pasting the JSON version of the form template. This feature is useful if you need to clone a form, or migrate it to a different forum. To export, first save the form, then click the button. To import, click the button, paste the JSON, then save the form.

Enable/disable expert mode: toggles between normal and expert mode in the template builder. This only switches the mode in your own browser and is not saved along with the form.

Delete: forms can be soft-deleted. A soft-deleted form will no longer be visible to users and will no longer accept answer or edits to submissions. A soft-deleted form can be permanently deleted.

In header

Private title: title of the form in the manager. This title is only visible to form moderators. You can use it to better organize the list of forms. By default it is modified everytime you edit the public title if the two values are identical. Enter a different value to stop the public title from being applied. Available since version 1.2.0.

Slug: optional, token for the url. By default the URL to the form will be a UUID. For standalone forms, the form will be available at /forms/<slug or uuid>. Profile forms will be available at /u/<username>/forms/<slug or uuid>. This field is not visible for discussion fields.

In “Template” tab

Public title: title of the form. This title is visible on the page when the form is displayed. It is used as the link/tab/section title for user profiles and discussion fields.

Template: see Fields options below for the available field types.

Preview: opens a new page to preview the form. The page might not always render correctly for non-standalone forms. A better preview page is coming in a future version.

In “Placement” tab

Special form types: choose the type of form. See Introduction for the explanation of the different types.

A note on group- or tag- scoped forms: when you change the groups of a user or the tags of a discussion, existing forms and submissions are not detached. There is currently no special handling for this situation, so you should avoid changing the groups or tags if you can avoid it. The data might remain visible even when the group or tag no longer matches the original, and it might become impossible to edit it without reverting the group or tag change.

Show in sign up: show fields inside the sign up modal in addition to the user profile. Only available for user profiles. When you enable this option, you must also verify that the permissions allow “Everyone / non-enabled members” to view and submit the form. Available since version 1.2.0.

Show in discussion composer: show fields inside the Flarum discussion composer. Only available for discussion fields. If a form is restricted to a specific tag, the fields will only appear in the composer after that tag has been selected. The entered data is preserved even if the tag is removed and re-added during the course of writing the discussion. Available since version 1.7.0

Automatically create discussions from form submission: only available for discussion fields. When disabled, submissions can only be created from an existing discussion page. When enabled, submissions can also be created through the form url like if it was a standalone form. When created through the standalone form, a discussion will automatically be created and attached to the submission. Available since version 1.1.0.

Options for new discussions: available when Automatically create discussions from form submission is enabled. Discussion title and Post content accept replacement variables as described in Replacement variables. If not specified, Formulaire will attempt to find a field with a slug of title and content respectively, and default to the form title and an empty content. Discussion tags accepts a comma-separated list of tag slugs. The tag the form is linked to (if selected) will always be added in addition to this list of tags.

In “Access” tab

Accept new submissions: enables the form. Only available on standalone forms. This only controls the creation of new submissions.

Allow users to edit their existing submissions: enables submission edit. Only available on standalone forms.

Enable: enables the form. Only available on user profiles and discussion fields. While this setting is disabled, the form is in draft mode. In draft mode, form moderators can use the forms and see the answers, but regular users can’t. Once enabled, the form will exit draft mode and be available according to the permissions configured globally or locally for that form. You should keep the form in draft mode until you have finished building the form template to reduce the risk of inconsistencies between early and later submissions.

Max submissions: optional, the maximum number of submissions before the form automatically closes. When the max submissions number is reached, it has the same effect as if Accept new submissions was disabled. Locked submissions count towards the max submissions. Deleted submissions no longer count towards the max submissions. This setting is only available for standalone forms and discussion fields with “automatically create discussions”. It is however not advisable to set this setting for non-standalone forms.

Permissions: configure local permissions to override global permissions. Not available on standalone forms. When “Use defaults” is selected, the global value for the permission of the same name is used. When set, only this value is checked and the global value is ignored. See the Permissions section above for how “own”/”any” work. Available since version 1.2.0.

In “Notifications” tab

The Notifications tab is only available for standalone forms and discussion fields with “automatically create discussion” option.

Send confirmation email to participants: toggle to send an email with a summary of the answers to the user who submitted the form. If the form contains a field with key email, an email will also be sent to that address.

Confirmation email template: available when Send confirmation email to participants is enabled. Title and Body accept replacement variables as described in Replacement variables. Title defaults to the name of the form while Body defaults to an empty string.

Send a copy of the data to those comma-separated emails: when filled, an email with a summary of the answers is sent to those addresses.

Notification email template: available when Send a copy of the data to those comma-separated emails is enabled. Title and Body accept replacement variables as described in Replacement variables. Title defaults to the name of the form while Body defaults to an empty string.

Confirmation message on the web: optional, the message to show once the field has been submitted. This message is not secret, it’s exposed via the API even to users who did not submit the form yet.

Confirmation message via email: optional, the message to show at the top of the email sent to users. Only has an effect if Send confirmation email to participants is enabled. In version 1.1.0, this option was moved to Confirmation email template.

Submission options

Only available for standalone forms.

Lock: prevents the submission from being edited, even if Allow users to edit their existing submissions is enabled on the form.

Delete: soft-deletes the submission. A soft-deleted submission will no longer be visible to the author and cannot be edited. A soft-deleted submission no longer counts towards the submission count. A soft-deleted submission can be permanently deleted.

Fields options

This section explains the options available for fields.

Common options between all field types:

Title: rendered above the field in a title tag.

Description: rendered below the title in a paragraph tag. Formatting is not possible.

Required: marks the field as required.

When you enable Expert mode, additional options become available:

JSON key: this is the key used internally to save the field value as part of a JSON object. A key must be unique across a level of fields. Fields can use the same key if one is inside of a multi-entry. Changing a key once data has been submitted will result in loss of data for that field!

Fill permission: controls which users can edit the field value. A user can always see the value. If a user doesn’t have the permission, they will be unable to change the field value from the current value. If the field is required but doesn’t have a current value, the user will be unable to submit the form.

Short text

Text field rendered as an HTML text input.

Email: toggle to apply email validation to the field value.

Regular expression: optional, enter a custom regular expression to validate the field value. Internally, the PHP preg_match function is used. The regular expression must include valid delimiters. For example: /^.+@example\.com$/i.

Long text

Text field rendered as an HTML textarea.

Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) number of characters to enter. Only applies if some content was entered or if the field is required.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) number of characters to enter. When specified, a character counter will be shown underneath the field.

Rich text: enables formatting through Flarum’s TextFormatter (same as in posts). When enabled, a preview will appear above the field.


Field rendered as an HTML number input.

Integer: toggle to apply integer validation to the field.

Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) value for the field value.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) value for the field value.


Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) allowed date.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) allowed date.


A set of checkboxes. By default the user can select as few or many checkboxes as they wish.

Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) number of options that must be selected.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) number of options that must be selected.

To enforce the minimum or maximum, set the field to required. If the field is optional, the maximum and minimum will only be validated if at least one value is selected.

Allow “other” user value: allows the user to enter a custom value in addition to the available options. If a custom value is set, it always counts as 1 value towards the minimum or maximum configured. The validation of custom values currently cannot be customized and is any string of 1 to 255 characters long.


A fieldset of radio buttons. The user can select only one value.

Due to the way the radio buttons work in browsers, the user will unfortunately be unable to un-select all options even if the field is optional. If you are making an optional field and want to avoid this issue, you can use a Checkboxes field with a Max value set to 1. If you don’t need the “Other” field, you can use a Dropdown.

Allow “other” user value: allows the user to enter a custom value instead of selecting one of the available options. The validation of custom values currently cannot be customized and is any string of 1 to 255 characters long.

Works the same way as a Radio field, but no “Other” field is possible and the options are rendered inside a dropdown.


This special field simply renders custom content. It has no title and no description. It doesn’t cause any value to be added to submissions.

Formatting is done through Flarum’s TextFormatter (same as in posts).


File upload. By default, multiple files can be uploaded.

At this time, only local file storage is enabled.

MIME type: Allowed MIME types for the uploaded files. The MIME detection is using Symfony’s MIME guesser. PHP files are always blocked.

Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) number of files. Only applies if the number of files is greater than zero or if the field is required.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) number of files.

Limitations: file upload is not possible inside a multi-entry field.


This special field allows to create a sub-form inside of the main form.

Minimum: optional, minimum (inclusive) number of allowed entries. Only applies if the number of entries is greater than zero or if the field is required.

Maximum: optional, maximum (inclusive) number of allowed entries.

Limitations: only one level deep is possible.

Replacement variables

Some fields accept “magic” text that will be replaced with a value from the form submission or other record.

Consult the documentation above to see which fields support “Replacement variables”.

A variable takes the form {slug} where slug must be the slug of a field that’s at the first level of the submission. The slug of a field can be obtained or modified by turning on “Expert mode” on the form builder. By default slugs are long unique UUIDs, so the replacement variable will look something like {af927b85-f19a-4710-8c94-add4ea6c3ca6}. Fields that are more than one level deep (Multi-entries) are not available.

The documentation above refers to {title} and {content}. Those variables look for fields that have been manually applied a slug of title or content respectively.

The following special values are also available for replacement, assuming no field exists with the same slug:

  • {user_id}: ID of the submission owner.
  • {user_display_name}: Display Name of the submission owner.
  • {user_username}: Username of the submission owner.
  • {user_email}: Email of the submission owner.
  • {user_group_ids}: Comma-separated list of group IDs the submission owner belongs to.
  • {user_group_names}: Comma-separated list of singular group names the submission owner belongs to.

“Submission owner” refers to the user attached to a submission. It’s always the actor for a standalone form, but will be the author of the discussion for discussion fields and the subject for profile fields, even if another user is the first to fill in that form.

For example if you had a field “Date” with slug af927b85-f19a-4710-8c94-add4ea6c3ca6, you could set the confirmation email to

Confirmation of your appointment on {af927b85-f19a-4710-8c94-add4ea6c3ca6}

And you could set the notification email (to admin) to:

{user_username}'s appointment on {af927b85-f19a-4710-8c94-add4ea6c3ca6}

Scout integration

(since version 1.8.0)

Formulaire can integrate with my free Scout extension for Flarum.

The integration will automatically be active if both Formulaire and Scout are enabled at the same time.

Version 0.3+ of Scout must be installed. Using Formulaire with an older Scout version will result in errors.

I have only tested the integration with the Meilisearch Scout driver. However all drivers should be supported. Please let me know if there’s any issue with another driver.

When Scout is enabled, 2 main areas become searchable:

In the Form Manager, you will be able to search forms by title, slug and the label of and field inside the template (only title is searchable without Scout). Additionally, you can search submissions by user display name or any of the answers (without Scout submissions are not searchable and the search input is hidden). For indexing, a plain text version of the rich text is extracted from the HTML. File uploads are not part of the indexed data.

In the Flarum Search (global search, mentions and FoF User Directory if enabled), you will be able to search discussions and users by the answers to their custom fields. Only answers visible to guests are indexed to prevent leaking any information.

If you already have forms and answers in your database when you enable Scout, you need to rebuild the search index. To update everything, run:

php flarum scout:import-all

If you only need to rebuild the Formulaire search indexes, you can manually specify those indexes:

# Full refresh of forms index
# Flush is only needed to clear any stale record that Formulaire might have created previously
php flarum scout:flush "Kilowhat\Formulaire\Form"
php flarum scout:import "Kilowhat\Formulaire\Form"

# Other relevant model names
php flarum scout:import "Kilowhat\Formulaire\Submission"
php flarum scout:import "Flarum\Discussion\Discussion"
php flarum scout:import "Flarum\User\User"

Import and export


Since version 1.2.0, an export tool is available on the submission list page. You can select the fields and metadata to include.

In table style (XLSX, XLS, ODS, CSV), the “heading” option controls the first row of the data. Multi-entries are serialized as JSON and put into a single cell.

In non-table style (JSON), the “heading” option controls the key names. If two keys share the same name, the second will be automatically suffixed. JSON export preserves the full multi-level hierarchy of forms.

There is a known issue with the table preview: dates are not rendered correctly (you are seeing the Excel internal format). The value is however correct in the exported file.

There is currently no option to exclude locked or soft-deleted submissions, but you can include the lock and deletion dates and filter the data offline based on those columns.

The Access user private data in exports permission allows exporting the user email and activation status as meta columns.

The export can also be automated via the REST API (API user must have the export permission) with a GET request to the following endpoint:

/api/formulaire/forms/<form uid>/export.<file type>?fields=<comma-separated field uids>&meta=<comma-separated meta field names>

For example:


The fields and meta query parameters can be omitted for all fields and default meta.

The web export uses the same endpoint, so you can also compose and copy the exact URL for your needs from the browser network tools.

Other information in case you wanted to access the data manually:

The data column of the formulaire_submissions table contains a JSON object representing a submission. Each key of the JSON object can be customized via “expert mode” in the form opions.

Files are stored separately. The JSON object just contains the UUID of the uploaded file(s).


A form template is described by a JSON object.

To import/export the JSON template, see Template import/export option above.


Formulaire is designed to be highly extensible by other extensions.

Every javascript component is exposed and can be extended.

A number of PHP events are available. Check the following namespaces in the source code for information:

  • Kilowhat\Formulaire\Discussion\Event.
  • Kilowhat\Formulaire\Form\Event.
  • Kilowhat\Formulaire\Submission\Event.
  • Kilowhat\Formulaire\User\Event.

The older events in the Kilowhat\Formulaire\Events namespace (SubmissionCreated and SubmissionUpdated) are deprecated and shouldn’t be used anymore.

If you would like to create an integration, feel free to reach out to me. I’ll need to find a way to share documentation about the javascript API.

© 2019-2025 Clark Winkelmann